
amanda clement

If I never had a Valentine again in my life, I don’t think I’d really care. And not even for reasons you may think, like capitalism! unmet expectations! loneliness! jealousy! or any other reason that could inevitably point to the fact that I’m, more often than not, single!

As a person who loves to love, how do I make sense of this?

I’ve become increasingly aware over the last 3 years - that while romantic love is absolute bliss and has its own hold on me - it’s the platonic, relational love that really contributes to my overall health, well-being, fullness, and joyousness for life. I have purposefully turned into a person who shares my thoughts, feelings, delight, and love for my people freely. I share it with them daily; connecting in the in-between moments, a whisper in their ear during a quick pass, a compliment out of nowhere, grabbing something because it reminded me of them, recognizing and reflecting back how they’ve affected me, the deepest and fullest shared belly laughs, unfiltered and unapologetic emotional breakdowns, sinking into a 30 second hug, finally being able to say no, assert my boundaries, and having them respected, telling them “I love you,” and meaning it.

The more I’ve given in to sharing these moments - which isn’t an exhaustive list - the more I’ve realized that these people are all my lifelines. These relationships have allowed me to accept that my needs cannot be met by one person, one relationship, one love, or “the one.” For me, the idea that there is just one person out there that ever could, is a fallacy. And frankly, not even something I want. I want - no, I need - all of these relationships to support my life in the way I want to experience it.

On top of all this, getting to witness all the love that my people have shared today about *their* romantic loves, fills me with so much more happiness. It shows me what that type of love looks like. It makes me more steadfast in my pursuit of finding it, keeping it, and not settling for something that is good, when I deserve something that is extraordinary.

And with that, I think I’m finally beginning to understand my Aquarius Venus.

Happy valentines day, my loves.



